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Industry News

Update: Google My Business Insights -, Milestone Inc.

Update: Google My Business Insights

August 18, 2016   |   Industry News
NAPtune records Google My Business insights to better analyze user behavior across Google devices. Learn the latest Google My Business updates to better understand the user and...
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Optimizing Your Website for Local Search -, Milestone Inc.

Optimizing Your Website for Local Search

March 10, 2016   |   Industry News
Gone are the days, when location, location, location was considered as the real formula of a successful business. Today, it is all about the internet of things and the different...
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Digital Personal Assistants & Future of Search – Has Science Fiction Become a Reality? -, Milestone Inc.

Digital Personal Assistants & Future of Search – Has...

March 1, 2016   |   Industry News
Milestone’s team was at SMX West today in San Jose where there was an opening keynote session by Behshad Behzadi from Google.  The session regarded the future of search and...
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Mobile Marketing

Facebook App Now Being Indexed by Google

December 4, 2015   |   Getting Social, Industry News
Google is crawling into your Facebook information. Learn to what extent information is being crawled and made...
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Marketing with Twitter Video

Twitter Video Bandwagon

Facebook is not the only social channel that jumped on the video wagon. Twitter announced, January 2015, a new video feature allowing users (People and Business pages) to capture...
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Hospitality Marketing for Millennials

Marketing to the Millennial Generation

Millennials are an increasingly important market for hotel marketers and will shape the travel industry during the next few years. The travel industry, in particular, needs to...
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Are You Ready For Millennials and Wearables?

Milestone joins HSMAI ROC and Hitec 2015 to discuss the latest digital marketing trends for the hospitality industry. Focus will be on analytics, social media, and attracting...
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Local listings management software

Milestone Launches NAPtune™ Local Listings Management...

NAPtune allows any location-based business, including hotels and restaurants, to manage their local business listings across the digital ecosystem in a single interface....
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Google Panda 4.1 Update - How it Affects the Hospitality Industry

Google Continues to Push Panda 4.1 Algorithm Update – How Will...

Google continues to roll out its Panda 4.1 algorithm update, focusing on content quality. Learn how this affects the hospitality industry strategies and what hotels can do to...
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Google's Penguin Update Effect on Hotel Marketing Strategy

Penguin 3.0 Finally Arrives, Is it Time to Change your Hotel...

Milestone Internet Marketing explains the latest Google algorithm, Penguin 3.0, and how it relates to the hotel marketing industry. The algorithm aides companies that follow the...
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